EDWARD R. BONANNO, Esq. is a New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators trained mediator.
Mr. Bonanno chairs the firm’s Environmental Practice Group, and is a member of the Insurance, Healthcare and Financial Fraud Litigation Practice Group, to which he brings his extensive experience in litigating complex fraud cases under federal and state Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) statutes.
Mr. Bonanno served as a prosecutor in the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice for 25 years from 1985 to 2010. During that time, he was the Supervising Deputy Attorney General and Bureau Chief for Environmental Crimes in the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office Division of Criminal Justice and a deputy attorney general in the Appellate Bureau. Mr. Bonanno handled and supervised the investigation and prosecution of numerous complex criminal cases involving environmental crimes, including: oil spills, chemical fires and explosions, illegal dumping, as well as, racketeering, major fraud and corruption cases.
After his retirement from the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, Mr. Bonanno joined the law firm of Bradley M. Campbell, LLC where he has represented public entities and corporations before the federal, state, local and interstate agencies and boards for environmental and renewable energy issues and has represented citizen groups in environmental litigation.
In addition to his extensive litigation experience, he has argued dozens of appeals in state and federal court, authored numerous articles on environmental criminal enforcement and criminal law and trained enforcement officials from across the country through the Northeast Environmental Enforcement Project and the National Association of Attorneys General.
Mr. Bonanno previously served as chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Criminal Law Section and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College, Magna Cum Laude-Phi Beta Kappa and a Juris Doctorate degree from Fordham Law School.